Weekend with the XT-1

It’s gotten to the point I feel pretty naked leaving the house without a camera. In an attempt to reduce the financial impact of blowing through rolls of film taking pictures of nothing I’ve taken to carrying one of my Fujifilm mirrorless digital camera’s as an every day carry on days where I don’t necessarily anticipate having anything particularly special to take photographs of. I still prefer the experience of shooting 35mm, and generally prefer the end results more too, but film and the price of dev and scan is precious. The every day carry-ability is a big part of why I like the Fuji system so much, the experience is still very analogue feeling, I can shoot in aperture priority with my F stop on the lens just like I do with my 35mm SLRs, and importantly the cameras are dustproofed, small, and easily portable. Though 3 and 4 generations old, my XT-1, XT-2, and X-Pro3 have everything I want and need in a digital body. There will come a time when I am unable to resist a good deal on a used XT-5 and its whopping 40MP, but these days I am still content shooting with generations old Fujifilm cameras. The oldest, smallest, and most beat up of them is my XT-1. This weekend I took our dog on a hike to Sky Meadows SP with some friends, and brought a 35mm camera for that outing, but for the rest of the weekend I took my XT-1 everywhere I went. Around town, out to dinner, and on a bike ride in the woods. My goal in carrying the camera around while doing mundane things is mostly just for the joy of it, but also to form a habit of seeing interesting compositions in every day life. habit building. The header photo is definitely my favorite of the weekend, but there were a a handful of others I enjoyed looking through below.


This shot is fire!


Adventures in Remjet: My experience shooting Vision3 motion picture film